Welcome to the Year 1 information page. The children have made a super start to their learning and have all settled well into the class routines. Please keep an eye on Year 1 Seesaw and the school website for notices and information on forthcoming events and activities. Please see the class timetable below:
Expectations of Year 1:
- To read with your children at least 4 times a week. Please write how your children are getting on with their books in the comments. Books will be changed once your child has read with an adult twice.
- To support your children with their spellings. Tests will be completed every Friday.
- The correct uniform to be worn to school with the correct footwear.
- This is the same for PE, the children have PE every Wednesday so children need to wear their kit to school on this day
Meet the Year 1 team
Miss L Gullis - Class teacher
Miss Z Nash - Teaching assistant
Mrs L Jones - Teaching assistant
Topic Focus