A very warm welcome to St-Peter’s Primary School.
We see our school as a family, where we work together to achieve the best we possibly can for each child within our school and for the wider good of the Bromyard community.
We are a happy, vibrant, thriving, one form entry school in the heart of Bromyard. Our kind, caring pupils are at the centre of all we strive to achieve. Their resilience and love of learning is nurtured by our enthusiastic, committed staff who want the best for all children within the school. We offer a wide range of learning opportunities within and outside the classroom where children are challenged, supported and cared for in an environment which enables them to feel safe and secure as they grow, learn and develop.
Our dedicated staff are friendly and approachable, as we believe that the best outcomes for your child can be achieved through fostering a positive partnership between home and school. Parents play an important role in the education of their children and school life. We will invite you into school as often as possible to celebrate success, see how your children learn and understand what the school has to offer.
We want to share our good work, up to date news and information about our school with you through our website. It’s packed full of information about our school, and we hope you find it both interesting and entertaining.
We welcome visits to look around the school, please contact the Mrs Unwin in the office and she will arrange a tour for you. admin@st-peters.hereford.sch.uk