If you would like a copy of any of the policies listed below, please contact the school directly on 01885 483237 or admin@st-peters.Hereford.sch.uk


Updated: 29/01/2025 679 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 04/12/2024 623 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.

Examination & Assessment

Updated: 01/03/2024 108 KB
Updated: 01/03/2024 323 KB

Finance, Data & IT

Updated: 11/07/2024 655 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 28/07/2024 670 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 28/07/2024 293 KB
Model Publication Scheme to be used in conjunction with any Freedom of Information request and FI10 Freedom of Information Policy.
Updated: 16/01/2025 628 KB
Applies to TCAT and all TCAT schools.
Updated: 24/07/2024 669 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 26/06/2024 319 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 25/07/2024 151 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 24/07/2024 627 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools and stakeholders.
Updated: 20/01/2025 664 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 20/01/2025 659 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 29/01/2025 1.65 MB
Applies to all TCAT schools and third party hirers.
Updated: 29/01/2025 1.39 MB
Applies to all TCAT schools and suppliers entering into contracts with TCAT.
Updated: 20/01/2025 634 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools and stakeholders.
Updated: 20/01/2025 91 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools and stakeholders.


Updated: 04/06/2024 247 KB
Updated: 17/12/2024 632 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 30/01/2024 231 KB
Updated: 24/07/2024 669 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools and third party minibus use.
Updated: 25/07/2024 658 KB
Applies to all parents and those with parental responsibility for pupils at TCAT schools.
Updated: 12/11/2024 651 KB
Applies to parents at all TCAT schools.
Updated: 21/07/2024 759 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 24/07/2024 664 KB
Applies to all TCAT primary schools.
Updated: 31/07/2024 638 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools and stakeholders.
Updated: 21/07/2024 647 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 09/01/2025 725 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 25/07/2024 1.14 MB
Applies to all TCAT schools and those with parental responsibility for pupils at any TCAT school.
Updated: 12/11/2024 666 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 13/12/2024 683 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.

Governance Policies

Updated: 07/02/2024 204 KB
Updated: 23/07/2024 623 KB
Applies to all TCAT Members, Trustees and Local Governors.

Health & Safety

Updated: 11/03/2024 230 KB
Updated: 25/07/2024 688 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools and stakeholders.
Updated: 25/07/2024 1.40 MB
Applies to all TCAT schools and stakeholders.
Updated: 25/07/2024 665 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools and stakeholders.
Updated: 25/07/2024 662 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 25/07/2024 663 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools and stakeholders.

HR Policies

Updated: 06/01/2025 640 KB
Applies to all teachers at TCAT schools.
Updated: 12/11/2024 610 KB
Applies to all TCAT employees not on permanent contracts.
Updated: 06/01/2025 632 KB
Applies to all TCAT support staff.
Updated: 12/11/2024 639 KB
Applies to all TCAT employees.
Updated: 12/11/2024 610 KB
Applies to all TCAT employees.
Updated: 25/07/2024 612 KB
Applies to all TCAT employees.
Updated: 30/07/2024 1.14 MB
Applies to all TCAT employees.
Updated: 12/11/2024 663 KB
Applies to all TCAT employees.
Updated: 12/11/2024 628 KB
Applies to all TCAT employees.
Updated: 06/01/2025 608 KB
Applies to all TCAT employees except teachers.
Updated: 12/11/2024 610 KB
Applies to all TCAT support staff.
Updated: 12/11/2024 653 KB
Applies to all TCAT employees except teachers.
Updated: 12/11/2024 610 KB
Applies to all TCAT employees.
Updated: 12/11/2024 605 KB
Applies to all TCAT employees.
Updated: 31/07/2024 623 KB
Applies to all TCAT employees.
Updated: 06/01/2025 612 KB
Applies to all TCAT employees.
Updated: 12/11/2024 609 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools and support staff.
Updated: 11/11/2024 1.39 MB
Applies to all TCAT employees.
Updated: 11/11/2024 667 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 25/07/2024 612 KB
Applies to all TCAT employees.
Updated: 06/01/2025 1.40 MB
Applies to all TCAT employees.
Updated: 11/11/2024 860 KB
Applies to all TCAT employees and volunteers.
Updated: 11/11/2024 96 KB
Applies to all TCAT employees and volunteers.
Updated: 06/01/2025 1.38 MB
Applies to all TCAT employees.
Updated: 11/11/2024 727 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools and work experience placements conducting their work experience on TCAT premises.
Updated: 12/11/2024 621 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 11/11/2024 2.20 MB
Applies to all TCAT employees.
Updated: 12/11/2024 674 KB
Applies to all ECTs employed by TCAT and those who fulfil a mentoring/tutor role for ECTs.
Updated: 12/11/2024 609 KB
Applies to all TCAT employees.
Updated: 06/01/2025 610 KB
Applies to all TCAT employees.
Updated: 12/11/2024 611 KB
Applies to all TCAT employees.
Updated: 06/01/2025 1.36 MB
Applies to all TCAT teaching staff.
Updated: 06/01/2025 628 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 06/01/2025 1.36 MB
Applies to all TCAT teaching staff.


Updated: 22/01/2025 752 KB
Applies to all TCAT stakeholders.
Updated: 04/12/2024 686 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 13/12/2024 659 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 17/12/2024 659 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools and staff.
Updated: 27/07/2024 1.39 MB
Applies to all TCAT schools and prospective employees.
Updated: 13/12/2024 639 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 13/12/2024 627 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 17/12/2024 663 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 04/12/2024 658 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 13/12/2024 638 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 27/07/2024 683 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 04/12/2024 674 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 27/07/2024 634 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 13/12/2024 646 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 17/12/2024 626 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 27/07/2024 661 KB
Applies to all TCAT staff conducting home visits.
Updated: 12/11/2024 688 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools and stakeholders.
Updated: 27/07/2024 641 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 12/11/2024 622 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools and stakeholders.
Updated: 12/12/2024 708 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 06/02/2025 2.15 MB
Applies to all TCAT secondary schools and pupils.
Updated: 06/02/2025 653 KB
Applies to all TCAT primary schools.
Updated: 13/12/2024 622 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 27/07/2024 616 KB
Applies to all TCAT employees. Full version of policy available internally only.
Updated: 27/07/2024 765 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 28/07/2024 730 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools and stakeholders.
Updated: 12/11/2024 749 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools and pupils.
Updated: 12/11/2024 630 KB
Applies to all TCAT settings and parents/carers.
Updated: 04/12/2024 632 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 12/11/2024 661 KB
Applies to all TCAT employees.
Updated: 13/12/2024 755 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 26/07/2024 632 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 27/07/2024 647 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools and stakeholders.
Updated: 08/11/2023 377 KB
Updated: 07/02/2024 318 KB


Updated: 14/11/2023 168 KB
Updated: 14/11/2023 167 KB
Updated: 29/01/2025 1.43 MB
Applies to all TCAT schools.


Updated: 15/01/2025 712 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 13/01/2025 645 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 15/01/2025 658 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools and stakeholders.
Updated: 15/01/2025 650 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools and third party hirers.

Shared Trust Policies

Updated: 04/10/2022 228 KB
Updated: 26/10/2022 269 KB
Updated: 07/10/2022 183 KB
Updated: 02/10/2022 143 KB
Updated: 04/10/2022 180 KB
Updated: 15/11/2022 217 KB

St Peter's Policies

Updated: 08/11/2023 386 KB
Updated: 20/11/2024 197 KB
Updated: 10/09/2024 332 KB
Updated: 11/10/2023 152 KB
Updated: 11/10/2023 303 KB
Updated: 03/02/2025 332 KB
Updated: 06/01/2023 365 KB


Statutory Policies

Updated: 08/01/2025 247 KB
Admissions Policy for the identified Academic Year applicable to all TCAT settings.
Updated: 08/01/2025 632 KB
Admissions Policy for the identified Academic Year applicable to all TCAT settings.
Updated: 08/01/2025 1.36 MB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 08/01/2025 652 KB
Applies to all TCAT Primary Schools.
Updated: 08/01/2025 2.15 MB
Applies to all TCAT secondary schools.
Updated: 08/01/2025 115 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 08/01/2025 655 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 29/01/2025 752 KB
Applies to all TCAT stakeholders.
Updated: 08/01/2025 683 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools and to TCAT itself.
Updated: 08/01/2025 628 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools, Local Governors and Trustees.
Updated: 08/01/2025 151 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 08/01/2025 1.14 MB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 08/01/2025 115 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 08/01/2025 1.43 MB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 08/01/2025 683 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 09/01/2025 725 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 08/01/2025 640 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 08/01/2025 1.36 MB
Applies to all TCAT schools.
Updated: 08/01/2025 661 KB
Applies to all TCAT schools and TCAT itself.


In the event of snow or other exceptional circumstances

For information in the event of snow or other exceptional circumstances:

  • A message will be sent via the school's NEWS feed via the St. Peter's APP and relayed on the front page of the school website under NEWS.
  •  Closure will be listed on the Local Authority website - also go here to register for updates to be sent directly to you  http://www.herefordshire.gov.uk/schoolclosures
  • Information may also be given out on local radio stations.