I am so pleased to announce that St Peter's have been awarded the GOLD award for their involvement with the School Games. The School Games Mark is a Government-led awards scheme that aims to reward schools for their commitment to developing competition within their school and community and the physical activity engagement (provision and uptake) within schools against a National benchmark, celebrating keeping young people active.

Here at St Peter's we have given our children some fantastic opportunities to take part in activities they may not have tried before, to encourage self-esteem and engagement. This year we have been rock climbing, roller skating and even tried our hand at bowls. Alongside these activities, as a school we achieved the award through the variety of sports clubs and experiences continuously on offer throughout the year and the opportunities to take part in intra/inter competitions across the County. We have specifically had great success this year in football and netball fixtures.

Participating in this process allows us as a school to evaluate our physical education provision and assists in developing an action plan for future progress.